BBC, is this how you would report the London attack?

Watch the "BBC-Fake News" broadcast to see how the British network's coverage of the London Bridge attack would have looked, had the real BBC treated terror in Britain similarly to terror in Israel

Zvika Klein | 18/6/2017 18:28
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BBC News on Friday published an article covering a combined terror attack in Jerusalem's Old City, in which Israeli Border Policewoman Hadas Malka was murdered and four other officers were injured. The headline chosen by the British news network's editors ignored the victim and emphasized the death of the attackers: "Three Palestinians killed after deadly stabbing in Jerusalem."
The BBC's original headline

Many internet users expressed fury at the BBC's biased wording in the headline, and also in the tendentious first paragraph which focused mainly on the terrorists who had been killed. It read: "Israeli police have shot dead three Palestinians after a deadly knife attack outside the Old City of Jerusalem, in which a policewoman died."

One of the most notable international figures who criticized the British television channel's headline was the United States President's son, Donald Trump Jr., who tweeted: "You mean after they stabbed a female Israeli police officer to death... right? This is as close to being misleading as possible."

Other officials who condemned the wording included Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Director of its Foreign Ministry Yuval Rotem, and the Israeli embassy in London. Eventually, the headline was changed to read: "Israeli policewoman stabbed to death in Jerusalem." The opening paragraph was not amended.

This is not the first time the BBC's coverage of Israel has been negatively biased. In 2015, after the murder of Israeli civilians Aaron Bennett and Nehemiah Lavi in a terror attack in the Old City, the British network wrote: "Palestinian shot dead after Jerusalem attack kills two." In early 2017, after a deadly truck-ramming attack in the Jerusalem neighborhood of Armon Hanatsiv , the BBC tweeted: "Driver of lorry shot in Jerusalem after allegedly ramming pedestrians, injuring at least 15, Israeli media report."
Past BBC coverage of terror in Israel

BBC's past headline on terror in Israel

English translation: Michael Bachner
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