עד כה: 4 תגובות, ב- 3 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
Bush adm. not to blame
18/07/04 22:58
| The writing was on the wall long before Bush took office. Clinton and his administration had EVERY opportunity to squash down the emergent terrorists but choose not to. Clintons administration had eight years to be putting in deterences that would prevent the terrorists from obtaining their goals. Bush was in office less than a year when the attacks happened. The hate and planning of the terrorists was taking place long before then. G-d help us if Bush isn't elected again. The John-John ticket should be flushed straight down the john. The only party that can lead a fight against the Muslim crusade is the Republican party- more power to them.
הגב לתגובה זו
דש מצור יגאל
צור יגאל,
18/07/04 12:50
| |
a question for the left
18/07/04 12:04
| for a leftist How would Osama vote for the US president in November??
הגב לתגובה זו
Re: A question to the left
18/07/04 22:33
| Osama wouldn't vote, but milions of his supporters will natatrally vote for Kerry
הגב לתגובה זו