עד כה: 4 תגובות, ב- 2 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
Pandoras box
A mother,
24/08/04 00:36
| This case is a Pandoras box, now every family that had a child vaginally and a child that had even the slightest handicap will claim that it was because a ceasarian was not performed. Doctors are going to be afraid of lawsuits against them, as well as bituach leumi and the kupot holim, that there will be an increase in unnecessary c-sections. It seems like society has gotten it into their heads that c-sections are the safest and most attractive birth alternative, this is not true and there are many complications that can arise from this surgical procedure. I bet there is no sound proof that this childs handicap would not be existent if a c-sec was done. The claims that one should have been done because of a previous miscarriage are unfounded as there are plenty of women who have had miscarriages that manage to have healthy and safe vaginal births and women who have had previous c-sections that are able to have VBAC-vaginal birth after c-sec, for later pregnancies . The doctors claiming that the monitor results showed that the baby was in trauma seem unrealistic too, anybody who has any experience with fetal heart rate monitors will tell you that they are not all that accurate and are not as reliable a gauge of fetal health as the overall picture obtained through doctor experience, ultrasound, fetal testing and mothers health. .
הגב לתגובה זו
הטוב שברופאים לגהינום
23/08/04 19:07
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24/08/04 00:37
| זכרי את אשר אמרת בפעם הבאה שתבקרי בבית החולים. והלואי שלא תצטרכי לבקר שם
הגב לתגובה זו
תגובה ל-1
23/08/04 21:22
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