היא לא תומת אלא תמות בטבעיות!!
אילנה ג,
תל אביב,
24/03/05 21:19
The only reason
24/03/05 17:32
she is going to die is because of her husband testimony that she expressed her wish to die in those sercomstances Well,first I don't buy it Second: Lets say -she did say what he suggests. Aren't we all saying things we regret later-because we didn't ? really mean How could she possibly know what she'll feel-if getting to this position... I think after reviewing the events-the husband has something to hide,and it's against his interests that she 'll wake up and -tell the real story behind her ilness
הגב לתגובה זו
תגאלו אותה מיסוריה
24/03/05 10:57
לא כל כך מהר, מעריב!
כל הפרטים,
24/03/05 04:18
יש עוד התפתחויות. יש להוריה ולתומכים בה עוד כמה שפנים שנשלפו מהכובע. יש לה עוד סיכוי.
הגב לתגובה זו
24/03/05 12:59
אין לה סיכוי לפי כל הנתונים ולא בכדי בית משפט פעם אחר פעם אינו מתיר לחבר אותה מחדש.
הגב לתגובה זו
from an israeli arab
24/03/05 00:55
The problem with us is that we are Very SELFISH people. we really do not care about whether if she lives in vegetative state or if she's not. As long as we can be there and just pretend she knows that we are around. we are rather watch her suffer, ignoring her wishes and requests that she does not want to live like this and keep her because we are selfish and ignorant about her needs. all we care about is what WE want and not what she wants. let her rest in peace and let her have what she wants.
הגב לתגובה זו
To # 8
23/03/05 20:23
There is no X husband. They are still married. He does have a relationship with another woman and they do have a child together. You wouldn't expect him to stop living and I am sure Terry wouldn't too What a tragedy.!!!
הגב לתגובה זו
נבל זה מה שהוא
24/03/05 00:44
אם יש לו יחסים עם אישה אחרת אז, שיניח להוריה להחליט מה טוב בשבילה... ואף אחד לו ציפה שישמור לה אמונים אבל למה להחליט כשאתה בעצם כבר לא חי עם אותה אישה וסועד אותה...להרוג אותה. חוץ מזה יש כאן עיניין של פנסיה... הכל כסף. גועל נפש.
הגב לתגובה זו
24/03/05 13:01
What money
24/03/05 01:11
What money are you talking about? Do you have ANY idea about what you are talking about or are you just assuming that there is money involved? There is no money, in fact, Michael Shiavo was offered from outside influences huge amounts of money to be relieved of his guardianship. He refused the money. This fact alone proves that he is doing what HIS WIFE wished him to do in this situation. I believe him to be loyal to HER wishes.
הגב לתגובה זו
I can't believe in this love
23/03/05 21:09
No doubt in my eyes that not pure love is the reason -the husband still fighting to KILL his ''wife''-probably there are other reasons... It's disgusting to me to see the U.S federal court denying a temporary feeding to this poor lady-as life saving ? What's the big risk Why not leting her live another few days/weeks,and maybe other evidence will occur I believe-the American law system is very SICK
הגב לתגובה זו
Only God to disconnect her
23/03/05 18:30
God didn't connect her
A B,
24/03/05 00:01
in the first place. Feeding her artificially has been human's action NOT God's action. Without this intervention she would have died 15 years ago
הגב לתגובה זו
Let live is God wishes
24/03/05 22:48
A few remarks
23/03/05 18:07
Her ex husband is married to another woman-so,how come he has still the right to be called ''her husband'' and decide upon her life&death situation Second:His continuing with the fighting to kill her-eventhough her parents pledge to let them take care of her-is suspicious...in my eyes Third: The court decision is based on her ex husband testimony mainly-that she wouldn't like to be kept alive in these conditions-with no written paper So,there is reasonable doubt about her real wishes...from my point of view Fourth: It seems to me -the American justice system suffers from the same disease the Israeli has-concerning the activists judges...in Israel in the high-court ... and I mean that they say to the Senat&the President of U.S:who are you to tell us thw real wishes of the people...We the judges know better...but,it will come back to them as a bomerang
הגב לתגובה זו
You are plain wrong
23/03/05 23:47
You are wrong about a number of things- which shows that you know even less than the common person about this case.
First, Michael is still her husband and has full proxy to decide. That he moved on with his life and has another partner and children isn't the issue. He has a right to continue his life, despite his wife's having come to a sad end to hers. There is no alterior motive here, he has moved on and doesn't need Terri dead to continue his life. He is simply standing up for what he knows Terri would have wanted in this event.
It matters not in the least bit what her parents want or say at this point. When a woman marries a man and a man marries a woman, then the proxy goes to the spouse, it no longer belongs to the parents. This is the law.
You say the the American courts and judges have become activist judges like in Israel. In fact, YOU ARE WRONG! The law is very clear and the PEOPLE of Florida have decided this, not the judges. The judges- how many so far? - 20? are only upholding the law which states the the guardianship belongs to the spouse and the spouse is the one who decides whether to maintain life support or not. The activist judge would be the one that went AGAINST the laws of the land. If you look at opinion polls in the US about what the ''people'' want, then you would know that between sixty to seventy percent think that she should have the right to die and the husband is the one to decide.
It is a heartbreaking situation for her parents, no doubt. It is so ironic that Terri is in this condition by a chemical imbalance brought on by an EATING DISORDER!! Perhaps the parents just can't bear the thought of their daughter coming to an end through food being withdrawn, which is what Terri herself was doing while she lived.
הגב לתגובה זו
To Israelit
24/03/05 02:06
What I meant by ''activists Judges'' is: The representatives of the American people-the President and the Senat pleaded the court to give another chance to Terry Maybe-there will be new circumstances...to keep her alive...just to reinsert the feeding tube for the time being
They represent the people NOT THE JUDGES But the Judges ''will show'' the president with the Senat who's the boss,and who will decide
הגב לתגובה זו
I can tell you that
24/03/05 01:42
I am taking it personally When I am eating ,I am thinking about that poor woman-and her basic rights that are violated-probably by money interests It's disgusting...and the American society will have to live with her painfull death
הגב לתגובה זו
To Israelit
24/03/05 01:34
Even a convicted murdurer is getting better death sentence by injection-not long SUFFERING by starvation...and I saw two days ago in CNN a woman that was in a simmilar conditions,and her feeding tube was removed as well for NINE days-while she is screeming from inside her body to feed her and to have a little amount of watter What if Terry feels the pain ?did you think about it
הגב לתגובה זו
החלטה נבונה של בית המשפט
Avi Ecuador,
23/03/05 15:53
כל אדם צריך לשים עצמו במצבה חס וחלילה בכדי לדעת מה הוא מחליט לעצמו כאשר הוא מבין את מצבו והסבל שהוא גורם לסובבים אותו. בסבל לעצמו אני לא בטוח מכיוון שכמו שאומרים, אם להאמין, אז אין לה ממה לסבול מכיוון שהיא מוחית נפטרה כבר מזמן.
הגב לתגובה זו
אם להרוג אז למה ביסורים ?
23/03/05 13:32
אנו לא יודעים באיזו יסורים קונה בן אדם את הזכות לעבור מהעולם, הרי כאן לא מדובר בגיליוטינה שעורפת את הראש כהרף, אלא מוות מחוסר הזנה במשך כשבוע. אתם רוצים להרוג?! אז מהר ובלי ייסורים אל תשכחו שאת דעתה של החולה לא תקבלו
הגב לתגובה זו
חוסר הזנה אינה גורמת יסורים!!!
אילנה ג,
תל אביב,
24/03/05 00:09
אנשים רבים מאד בקשו לנתקם ממכונות ההנשמה וההזנה בשלבי הגסיסה שלהם. מסתבר שדווקא הזנה בשלבי גסיסה גורמת סבל ואילו הפסקת ההזנה מאפשרת לגוף לייצר חומרים מטבוליים הגורמים לטשטוש ולשיכוך כאבים
הגב לתגובה זו
שאלה לוויכוח
Avi Ecuador,
23/03/05 16:01
קודם כל ברגע שלא מזינים אותה אף אחד לא הורג אולי. עכשיו בקשר לסבל אז מבחינה מוחית היא נפטרה מזמן אז אם אתה מאמין שהמוח הוא הכלי שהאדם מרגיש ומבין איתו אז היא לא תסבול גם אם היא תנותק ממזון.
הגב לתגובה זו
יש לאדם גם את הזכות למות
ממלכת שמיים,
23/03/05 11:19
תתפלא, אבל לא!
23/03/05 20:31
24/03/05 13:03
אבל כן וסוג הויכוח של בעד או נגד אינו קיים במקרים מסוג זה
הגב לתגובה זו
למה מותר להמית חיית מחמד ולא ב
24/03/05 15:55
כאשר כלבי האהוב חלה לקחתי אותו לוטרינר שגאל אותו מיסוריו. למה בני אדם חייבים לסבול יותר מחיות? מה אם איכות חיים? אני בוחרת במוות במצב כזה.
הגב לתגובה זו
בלי להיכנס לכל השאר, זה רצח!
ורעב זו לא המתת,
23/03/05 11:14
ממש לא
23/03/05 12:22
אתם קולטים שהיא תמות ברעב???
23/03/05 11:09
זה נראה לי כ''כ אכזרי למות ככה. היא פשוט תגווע ברעב עד שהיא תמות...... אומנם אין לה חיים והיא צמח....אבל איזה מוות נורא.
הגב לתגובה זו
learn about the case
23/03/05 14:48
If you knew anything about this case, you would know that her situation was brought on by a chemical imbalance caused by an EATING DISORDER. This woman chose, long ago, to starve herself.
הגב לתגובה זו
עברית שפה יפה
24/03/05 17:29
תכתוב בעברית, נודניק מיקלדת בעברית עולה 30 שקל,אל תתקמצן זה לא עושה אותך יותר cool כשאתה כותב באנגלית
הגב לתגובה זו
למה בצורה כזו
23/03/05 11:06
אם כבר החליטו לנתק אותה מהמכונה שכבר יזריקו לה משהו שהיא לא תסבול בתהליך. בצורה הזו היא תמות מרעב!!
הגב לתגובה זו
זה כבר רצח
23/03/05 12:22
אכזריות! למה לא מקשיבים
23/03/05 11:03
Proxy to the husband
23/03/05 14:49
The reason the courts don't listen to the parents is because guardianship and proxy belong to the spouse of a married person, not to the parents. As sad as it is for them, the husband is in his full right to grant his WIFE''S wish on how she would prefer to end her life.
הגב לתגובה זו
עברית שפה יפה
אליעזר בן יהודה,
24/03/05 17:32
כי לטרי מתה כל 'קליפת המוח'
23/03/05 12:21
כך שהיא לא מרגישה דבר אין ולא תהיה לה הכרה או מחשבה או משהו שמזכיר אנושיות פרט לעובדה שגופה ממשיך לתפקד
הגב לתגובה זו
מאוד נח לבעלה
24/03/05 00:40
הלוואי ויתחתן שוב אחרי 15 שנות
24/03/05 15:57
You are assuming
24/03/05 01:17
You are assuming a lot. The husband has moved on with his life and has a partner and children, he doesn't need a divorce for that and he doesn't need Terri dead for that. You assume there is money involved- tell me then how you know and how much he stands to gain.
I wonder, if you were in this situation and you had a husband left behind to pick up the shatters of his life, would you want him to sit for fifteen years at your bedside with no hope for recovery? How can any woman who loves a man wish that upon him? I would want my husband to disconnect everything, remarry and try to live a happy life.
הגב לתגובה זו
עברית שפה יפה
24/03/05 17:31