עד כה: 4 תגובות, ב- 3 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
הם צפויים לגזר דין מוות.
לסמרטוט שרון,
20/05/05 21:50
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israeli christian
21/05/05 01:14
| pay attention to what? jordon is know to have no tolerance to terrorists and they are fighting it like the sudia arabia. the problem is that people like you are suspecious of everything. you do not want to trust the arab govenment and I am not sayin that all arab government are perfect. I do not trust lebanon and I do not trust syria but it is abovious that jordan and sudia arabia are doing there best as well as egypt (to some degree).
הגב לתגובה זו
from an israeli christian arab
20/05/05 19:36
| Now to all who said that you can not trust any Arab country, here is your prove. what do you have to say now. Many of you have said that arab government are not doing enough to stop terrorist. I think it is about time that some of you will see that some arabs are not as bad as you think. it is time to realize that a lot of arabs want to live in peace like many of you. and it is time to understand that we can live together. look at haifa for example, arabs live along with jews and they are doing just fine. why can not we just learn to trust each other. atleast inside israel we should try to love and care for each other. come on people, israel is one of the most beautiful countries in the world, it is time to enjoy it and it is time to keep it beautiful.
הגב לתגובה זו
כל הכבוד לצבא ירדן
19/05/05 15:54
| שלא נלחם עם שתי ידיים קשורות מאחורי הגב, עם שר בטחון חסר יוזמה שעסוק בנקמות פרטיות ברמטכ''ל ולא סובל מאלפי חיילים סרבנים ולא נאמנים
הגב לתגובה זו