Some gestures Israel must make to welcome
one of its best friends, Mrs. Hillary Clinton-The Secretary of State of
The U.S.A
To demonstrate Israel's sincere readiness
to contribute whatever it takes to ascertain success of Mrs.Clintons first visit as secretary of state to the Western Island of The Midle East
we hope and trust that our Prime Minister Elect will not miss the opportunity to express our gratitude
To The President of The U.S.- Mr. Clinton
who attended personaly and witnessed the
convention of the P.L.O. headed by the
inventor of Palestinian Terrorism- Yasser Arafat
We hope Mr. Netanyahu will remind whom it may concern, what was decided on that
convention in favor of peace
We hope Mrs. Clinton is equiped with the
ballance showing why the stimulus comprising billions of Dollars and Euro
chanelled to Gaza did not rescue the bankrupting Oslo Fake Peace Bank
It's The President of The U.S. that is signed to validate the Palestinian commitment to accept and recognize
the existence of the state of the Jewish
It's President Clinton who did not spare the effort of a special trip on
Airforce 1 to Gaza so he can read the lips of the Palestinans stating they
prefer peace over their goal to terminate
Israel, therefore they signed the statement granting them the right to
claim right of return to hell only
Since then, it never happened that rockets were launched from Israeli
setlements in the Gaza strip towards
Palestinian targets
Since then Israel unilaterally implemented an inverse process' forcefully pulling out peacefull and flourishing farms and willages' practicing its right to return it's citizen to the 19th century by evacuating Jewish people only because they are Jewish
The bad news are that in Gaza there's already a palestinian state and it's surplus to apply pressure on Mr. Netanyahu or trying to squeze out a declaration in that regard, unless Mrs. Clinton represents Kadima who demands two states for the two palestinian people, one that is a declared terror greenhose and the other for those who want to be
Mrs. Secretary of State, The non ellected administration had it's chance and proved its impotence
Mr. Netanyahu enjoys the support of the
majority that voted for a Change and is
confident that Yes, We Can!
Please deliver our regards to President Obama and our expectations from him speciffically for simpaty and support
to Israel that without any pressure from the outside, the vast majority of its citizen is inspired by President Obama and therefore voted Netanyahu to emit the Change and prove that Yes, We can
You can check the facts even in and from
the U.S. There are about 85.000.000 U.S. Citizen who support and love Israel as represented by Benjamin Netanyahu
it's about time to appreciate Mr. Netanyahu for his modesty concentrating
on the goal to provide security in this region rather running for presidency in the U.S