What was the purpose of that comission
Even if it's assumed that Iran possess what it should not, are they going to show it while claiming they don't have it
The fact is that this comission was delegated to find and return with a clear cut conclusion that Iran has not and can
not have any capability of producing weapons of mass destruction
That's the question that Mr. Bardai must clearly answer
While the entire world estimates that Iran
is pretty close to having what it should not, while the Iranians are declaring that as their goal, Mr. Bardai is waisting time on foggy statements to make us think that Iran intends to dissarm itself
Whether he says it or not, the truth is
that Mr. Bardai can not gurrant based on facts on ground, that Iran has not and will not have nuclear weapons
and the only conclusion based on that reality is that Iran must be treated as if it has or is going to have what it should not have
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