עד כה: 6 תגובות, ב- 5 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
17/06/04 22:47
| In the book of Deuteronomy chapter8 v4 it says "man lives by every word...from the mouth of the Lord.Yeshua the Messiah affirmed this truth by using these words to resist Satan.In the book of Mati chapter 4 v4 Yeshua the Messiah replied,Man shall not live by bread alone,but by every word that protect from the mouth of God.In chapter 12 v9,10 Moses envisioned a futere state of REST for the people.Rest would mean that God's people would enjoy His blessing and live together in unity,free from fear of assault see also Psalm 133. The book of Jeremiah chapter 31 talke about The Remnant of Israel Saved.In v2 it says Thus says the LORD,The people who survived the sword Found grace in the wilderness-Israel,when I went to give him REST.To find the answer how we can find the rest lets look first in the same chapter about something new,something that never was before with the Mosaic Covenant,here in the same chapter in v31 we can find the New Covenant which is Not according to the covenant that God made with their fathers in the day that he took them by the hand to lead them out of the land of Egypt,My covenant which they BROKE,though I WAS a husband to them says the LORD Jeremiah 31:31,32.In Hebrew ch 4 v8-11 it says For if Joshua had given them REST,then He would not afterward have spoken of another day.These remains therefore a REST for the people of God.For he who has entered His REST has himself also ceased from his works as God did. .
הגב לתגובה זו
מאמר מדהים - כן ירבו
08/06/04 23:17
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יפה מאוד
נהנה לקרוא,
08/06/04 00:06
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כל הרפורמים התחילה בסטי'ה קטנה
יליד הארץ,
07/06/04 15:48
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הרב שרלו הפך לרב מחמד שלכם?
06/06/04 23:14
| טוב לדעת שהרב שרלו הפך לרב המחמד של עיתון מעריב. חבל לי שרב חשוב ובולט כמו כת"ר נותן יד למיזם פופוליסטי שמאחוריו מסתתרים גם חילול שם שמיים וכדו'.
הגב לתגובה זו
בזה שאתה קורא במיזם הפופוליסטי
מאחצן מתחסדים,
09/06/04 13:54
| שמאחוריו עומדים גם חילול שם שמים וכד', אתה לא נותן לו יד בעצמך? קישתא!
הגב לתגובה זו