עד כה: 10 תגובות, ב- 5 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
תבקשו סליחה לכל אלה שדפקו.....
24/09/04 14:25
| לכל אלה
שדפקו אותי כל השנה במיוחד הרשויות השונות ופרט האנשים הקטנים ,קטנים שיושבים בעמדות מפתח ומגרדים את הביצים כל היום במקום לעזור לזולת ומקבלים משכורות עתק ללא הצדקה.אז תדעו לכם שביום הכיפורים הזה ולא בשום שום אחר .......אני לא סולח לכם . והחשבון יוגש לכם במלואו.
הגב לתגובה זו
למה ביהדות?
הגולש הנודניק,
24/09/04 14:00
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dear raaya
24/09/04 12:07
| i hope you are forgiven by all. you seem like a good soul. shana tova, and i wish that gd will help you find your way back to the right path.. take care.
הגב לתגובה זו
Thank you so much
Lso Angeles,
24/09/04 19:02
| Thank you for your kind words. Shana Tova to you as well.
הגב לתגובה זו
ימית הנכדה מתה,
24/09/04 11:50
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Mom, And all my sisters and
Los Angeles,
23/09/04 23:55
| Shira, Sarah, Tsivia, Hadasah And Hillel. I am sorry i left to Los ANgeles, i do want to be with you all my life, i want to see you grow up and be there for you every second of the day and do anything you want. You know i will even die for you because i love you so much, it hurts me every day that i am not with you. I could not stay there because i am not religious and i can't live with you in the same home. I wish things would be different and there would true freedom where i can shoose my way and still be with my family. Mom i am sorry for everything i ever did wrong all i wanted was to help. Dear Dad you havn't spoken to me since i left Mea Shearim you told me i am not your doughter any more it hurts so bad i try to forgive you but i can't just please talk to me tell me you love me for once i cry every night for you. I wish i had a father Dear God, I know i dont eat Kosher all the time and i dont keep Shabat but its so hard for me, i try my best but still i fail. Please forgive me, i will do better this year. To all the jewish people in the world, May this year be better to all of you may god be with all of you. I love you All from me.
הגב לתגובה זו
don't worry, there is no god
New York,
24/09/04 22:09
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u r good girl do not worry God
24/09/04 14:33
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who r u?
24/09/04 07:02
| if you borned in mea shearim how do you know to write in english?
הגב לתגובה זו
I left when i was 18
Los Angeles,
24/09/04 18:59
| I basicly had to escpe. and i am in Los ANgels almost 5 years now so i had to learn how to write in english, i go to college here and i learn lots of english and other things:)
הגב לתגובה זו