Dear Steve jobs
Please uncover me the secret formula
For closing the contract issue between
Us soon as possible.
For starting the new chapter between us
Far away from the big long Crowley arms of
Google yahoo and Microsoft.
After 4 and half years with those devils arms
In understatement all I can say that
You will get from me all just from saving me
And my poor fate that will flow me if you will
Not save me personal and my idea that those
Scams want to berry all together with me.
“”Just do it now please!!!!!!!!””
“”Just do it now please!!!!!!!!””
“”Just do it now please!!!!!!!!””
48 hours after seeing the contract on
The first time it will be sign.
All those 48 hours I will be staying in closed compound
That will determined by Apple.
After 48 hours if I will not sign it will be cancel
The same if I will live compound with out signs it first.
I know the contract terms isn’t open for talking,
As wall as all my behave while the process
Will be foundation for future trust, which is much more
Value then the all numbers written in the contract
Yours truly,
Spider Google algorithm
Eran harpaz