עד כה: 4 תגובות, ב- 3 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
הרעיונות שיש...
15/05/06 18:07
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14/11/04 20:12
| All 3 films did use optical realtime Motion capture .... In LORT and Spiderman, RT-low res virtual characters were used for the interaction betwwen them and live action actors, and most object and set interaction... in the Matrix (which is now somewhat outdated) some footage was re-captured for off-line treatment. as far as the character of Golum, all his motions were captured in realtime, then treated with keyframes and some re-captured, about 60% of the original RT-motions ended up in the final film..... :) cheers
הגב לתגובה זו
מה שלא יהיה..
10/11/04 15:50
| תהיו בטוחים שאף אחד משלושת הסרטים המוזכרים בכתבה השתמשו באנימציית זמן אמת ואאל''ט, היתה תוכנית בערוץ 2 (עם אברי גלעד?) שהציגה דמות מונפשת בזמן אמת שנשלטה ע''י תומר שרון.
הגב לתגובה זו
14/11/04 20:04
| As a matter of fact, all 3 films mentioned did use realtime motion captute during shoots , low -res RT-models were used to choreograph and capture the interaction betwwen 3Dcharacters and Live action actors, and all prop interactions. In bothe LOTR and Spiderman, the actual captured data was used in the final renderes, In Martix (which is now somewhat primitive) most footage was re-captured for offline treatment.....
הגב לתגובה זו