Good-bye to you my Peter Pan.
My Magical inspiration.
May the divine YOU rest in piece
Higher kind of piece
Eternal one
All alone in your imaginary world. A world with treasures, childhood games, shining fairies and mermaids. I go down on my knees and bow for your pure magical inspiration in times of darkness and confusion. While opening up to the sad adult world of physical temporary unsatisfying pleasures, you have brought light, succeeded to touch right there! In the sensitive spot. Just between pleasure and pain, this world and above. Caressed it gently with your divine bits. Making us all sense your childhood glow.
So beautiful you were. If you only knew.
Showing us all it was possible.
No difference of age, sex or color.
Showing us all.
And those moves, those bits, this Music.
Childhood joy. T higher kind of joy!
Above physical pleasures joy.
In such sad eyes.
We could feel it. We could touch it.
You let us touch it.
And we thank you. For sharing with us your Peter Pan joy!
They could not understand you.
How could they? They can only see things from their own corrupted observation.
Covered with so much dirt.
So they killed you.
So much easier to just kill you.
Captain Hook and his devil helpers. He caught you. On his ground.
Now, why have you ever messed with his ground?
And what about Good fairies? Have you stopped believing in those?
Times have changed now my Peter Pan. Some of them might have actually been ready to accept you. Your ‘coming back’ could have been spectacular! He must have known that hasn’t he? Captain Hook. He had to shut you down.
My Peter Pan, have you forgotten though? T Hook can never win as long as there is faith, trust and,,,,, some magic dust. After all, they will always be there in case of need. The Good fairies off course. You cannot see them. What a shame! So pretty they are. So shining. No, T Hook will never win as long as you believe in Good fairies. He will try. Always. Waiting for a moment of weakness but Peter Pan always wins when the show is over! Good fairies off course. Now don’t you ever stop believing in Good fairies! If you do, they will disappearrrrrrrrr.
Their light will shut down.
Such shining light.
So pure.
And such shame! Not to be anymore blessed with your divine inspiring bits.
Who would the kids follow now? Pirates? Captain Hook?
Good-bye to you my Peter Pan.
My Magical inspiration.
My angel
I salute you.
Go down on my knees and, thank you!
For helping me stick to the right path
Guiding it, lighting it, with your pure shining glow
Such peaceful glow
In times of darkness
May the divine you keep inspiring us all from above
In ways only YOU could!
The first human adult Peter Pan has finally rejoined his eternal Neverland
T Good Fairy