It's true that the justice system can be unfair like in
The case you mentioned, but MJ was a human being so I think
He deserves justice, and people hold the fact he was a celebrity
Against him…so again, even though he was a celebrity he was put
To trial like anyone else, so now he deserves justice as a human being
As well.
And by the way you said a motorcyclist on the road was too busy texting his grandmother-
Well Murray was busy calling and texting his girlfriend while his patient
was on an IV with a dangerous drug that can cause respiratory arrest (which it did as we know)
Do you really think it's ok to neglect someone like that and he didn’t deserve the verdict?
That is why those kind of things are done at hospitals-not at home
MJ didn't get heroin from some guy on the street to get high.
He was addicted to sedation drugs because he had issues and previous injuries-
So Murray should have refuse this ''treatment'' upon MJ, but he didn’t
We can't know, I'm guessing he needed money