עד כה: 6 תגובות, ב- 5 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
people stop the bullshit
09/02/05 02:05
| stop that hole thing about addam and his looks and hair(?) i dont understand r you intrested in his review or just clicked on his ''pose like a model'' photo? common... i think this review is very intresting u can exept it or not its just ONE point of view of many. very indivisoal
הגב לתגובה זו
מה תכל'ס? זאת המלצה או לא?
אחד בלי מוח,
08/02/05 13:32
| מה זה אמור להביע? זו עבודה לאוניברסיטה או ביקורת קולנוע לעיתון? אדם אבולעפיה יקירי, מייק לי זכה על הסרט בפרס אריה הזהב בונציה, במועמדות לגלובוס הזהב, לאוסקר, לאוסקר האירופאי ובים פרסים אחרים - ולדעתך הבימוי שלו הולך לפעמים לאיבוד בסרט? עשה טובה לעצמך ותתפטר מביקורת קולנועית.
הגב לתגובה זו
ל-2 את עיוורת או מה ?
08/02/05 06:11
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ואני חושבת שאדם אבולעפיה חתיך
06/02/05 19:17
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צודקת. הוא נראה טוב
רק שיסתפר,
08/02/05 14:09
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Strip Vera Naked
New York,
06/02/05 19:07
| Had this film been made in the Fifties, it could have been described then as “…morally challenged and provocative.” However, watching this film from our prospective, one should wonder why dealing with this subject mater now, and more importantly, why placing it in that period? You see, Vera’s character is too perfect, way too perfect. She is helping desperate women out and does all the right things with her family and acquaintances, so we must identify with her, right? But what is Vera’s (our) real conflict? Where is she the most vulnerable? A little adjustment in the story line could have made Vera’s story both universal and contemporary all at the same time. What if, this Vera could not bare a child? What if this shortcoming had scared Vera’s fragile soul? Is Vera have been helping those poor women because deep in side she is madly jealous at their natural abilities? (Or maybe not.) What’s missing in this story is the attempt to ask the dark questions, (as Lee himself did so wonderfully well in his early masterpiece, Naked) is this Vera a saint, or is she a charming monster? If that was the case, placing this woman’s story at any period of time (or place) would not be an issue but rather just as an artistic frame
הגב לתגובה זו