עד כה: 2 תגובות, ב- 2 דיונים.
הוסף תגובה
מעניין אם יעשו ''מצעד המתלבשים
17/02/05 22:01
| הטובים לצד הגרועים'' ב''פרימיירה'' של ים הסלבס שיבואו להעיד במשפטו. LOL
הגב לתגובה זו
This poor creature is GUILTY!l
yours truly,
15/02/05 16:33
| He is an adult who thinks that he is still a young boy and he simply doesn't understand that allowing boys to sleep in your bedroom is WRONG!!!! and let's leave the abusing aside, which I'm sure that he is guilty of that too!!!! He needs to realize that he is doinfg something wrong and it needs to be STOPED. Money can't buy everything!!!l Wake up WACKO JACKO
הגב לתגובה זו