מכתב לגלעד: גלעד, אתה הגיבור שלי
לא ידעתי מה לכתוב לך. אז סיפרתי לאנשי בסביבתי עליך, איך נלקח לך החופש למען המולדת. רוצה לפגוש ולחבק אותך
I have been sitting here contemplating on what to write you. I keep deleting everything i write because i can't find the right words. I really want you to know that since day 1 i have been following your kidnapping along with the entire Jewish community everywhere in the world.
In the past week when your story really came to light in all the news agencies around the world, people started asking me questions.
And i was really happy to let them know all about you and your family. You should know that the American people that i work with were so very moved by you and your family. The one
thing everyone said is : look how much this Israeli soldier is worth, because Israel is releasing all these Palestinians to get him home. I couldn't agree more with them, you fought for your country, you gave up all your freedoms and now the country is showing you support and showing you how they never ever stopped working on your release.
I am full of happiness and joy for you and your family and i hope and pray that those bastards will get vengeance very soon.
You are my hero Gilad!
I really hope i get to meet you one day, and give you the biggest hug!
Lots of love,
An American Soldier!